UAT Testing


BSI UAT Period for BSI 24.6.1 & Engage 4.26

The current testing period, during which new features and bug fixes are available for testing in the UAT Beta environment, is from:

June 20, 2024 to July 12, 2024

This version is scheduled for release to production on July 20, 2024. Below is a list of each item available for testing currently. For complete notes on features released only to your database, contact BSI Technical Support.

Items Available for Testing:

Field Label Override updates (83716)
Core BSI field names can have their label overridden in the Customization module.
Specimen data added to new fields not displayed on Engage (83606)
A bug was fixed which prevented data in newly fields created from being displayed on BSI Engage immediately.
RTT Applies To based on Task Status doesn't work correctly (84085)
Requisition tasks added via a template can now be automatically applied based on the task status of another task in the requisition.
Attachment is lost from new RMB reqs (84117)
When creating a requisition directly from a Data Entry batch or via a right mouse button menu action, attachments are now added to the requisition appropriately.
Freezer Row and Freezer Col do not sort in Req (84001)
On databases that have the Freezer Row or Freezer Col, these fields can be used to sort requisitions.